Tuesday, 29 June 2021

A Letter in the Economist

 I was absolutely delighted to see that The Economist, perhaps the world's finest publication, printed one of my letters in this week's edition.  The letter can be seen below, and even more excitingly, you can listen to my letter being read by a professional broadcaster in audio edition by clicking this link.

Independent judges Israel’s Supreme Court has “great power and little accountability”, you say (“A chance of renewal”, June 5th). In countries without codified constitutions, such as Israel and Britain, the courts have a vital role in checking the otherwise unconstrained powers of the legislature and executive. This is not activism, but the rule of law in action. When faced with the Conservative Party’s plans in Britain to rein in the powers of supposedly activist judges, The Economist rightly decried it as contrary to the essence of British democracy (“Boris v the judges”, February 22nd 2020). Israel’s Supreme Court is one of the country’s essential institutions of liberal democracy.  elijah granet San Diego
Click to enlarge. 

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